If you…
Feel anxious or depressed, but aren’t able to identify why…
Feel that you’re broken or something is wrong with you…
Have a history of difficult romantic relationships…
Have trouble relaxing or startle easily…
Often check out or disconnect…
Use substances (like alcohol or marijuana) daily to “deal”…
Regularly engage in self-destructive behavior…
You may be dealing with issues related to trauma. Often times, the coping skills we learn to get by, or survive our early life experience, become problematic for us as adults. This can be the result of growing up in a stressful environment. Even if your parents loved you and were good people, you may have been impacted by the stress of their unresolved issues. As an experienced clinician, I can help you re-wire your brain and learn new ways to take care of yourself, so that you can heal your past trauma and break generational trauma patterns.
Many people discount the traumatic experiences of their past. The fact is, we are impacted by all of our experiences, positive and negative. Unfortunately, our brain stores negative experiences more than positive (as an evolutionary protective measure). Our experiences, particularly childhood experiences shape our perspectives of ourselves and of the world we perceive. Sometimes, especially in cases of having experienced trauma, we begin to see the world as unsafe, or we hold views of ourself and others that do not allow us to engage in the fullness of life and relationship.
Often, in these situations, we may feel like a victim, or that life is happening to us, and we are unable to see a better option to break the unhealthy patterns we are living. It is often in these difficult times that we turn to outside substances or experiences to escape our pain, or “check out.” This can lead to a disconnection from our bodies, our relationships, and our life goals. People often report feeling “stuck” when they cannot see a different option in life. Unaddressed trauma can also lead to physical symptoms, like migraines, insomnia, unexplained physical pain and GI issues.
Working through trauma with a trained expert, is different than simply sharing your thoughts and feelings with a good friend. Whether you elect talk therapy or a more structured approach, like EMDR, I will help you process the pain of your past that has interrupted you from finding peace and joy in your life.
It is my goal to create a warm and affirming environment for all individuals, embracing diversity as our unique contribution to the world. If you’re interested in a non-judgmental space to explore your personal concerns and struggles, schedule your appointment today.
~Dr. Rebecca Harvey