Harvey’s Blog
April 9th 2014
April 9th 2014
“Sleep is one of the biggest factors in maintaining your mental wellness”
I am constantly talking to my clients about sleep hygiene (I don’t mean brushing teeth and cleaning behind ears) to improve mental and physical health.
I recently had a client share this computer application with me that helps to address one of the issues that can negatively impact sleep–leading to alteration in body systems, which all impact mental and emotional well-being.
Using your computer (iPad, smart phone, etc) late at night can alter your circadian rhythms, leading to insomnia, fatigue and the accompanying physical and mental ramifications of lack of sleep.
Research has shown that the bright blue light of the screens can alter the body’s biological clock and suppress production of melanin, which is critical to sleep and wake cycles.
This app will adjust the light on your computer screen, reducing the blue light intuitively based on time of day.
You can customize it as you see fit. I’m really pumped about it. Enough to write an email to everyone I know and post a blog about it on my site.
No, I don’t have any proprietorship in the company, I’m just really jazzed about what I do–helping people find simple ways to make big changes in their quality of life.
This is one easy adjustment, since, let’s face it, it’s not always easy to avoid technology altogether at night.
Everyone knows what research shows about the importance of quality sleep, and I will rest better at night imagining that each of you is resting better.
Rest well.