EMDR 2.0
How is EMDR 2.0 different than regular EMDR?
EMDR 2.0 is built on the original EMDR protocol but includes several adjustments to improve its efficiency in treating patients with complex PTSD. It still uses the eight-phase protocol of standard EMDR, but does not necessarily replace it.
How does EMDR 2.0 work?
EMDR 2.0 includes a stronger emphasis on activating memory and challenging working memory. Working memory is like your brain’s temporary storage and processing system. It’s what you use to hold onto information for a short time while thinking or doing something. Your working memory is limited, so most people are not able to hold very much at once.
There are three main things that EMDR 2.0 does:
The therapist talks to the client to explain the process and help them put the difficult memory in their mind (working memory). This helps the person prepare for the therapy and understand how it works.
The therapist helps the client make the memory stronger, by helping them focus on sensory aspects of the memory like taste, smell, sound, etc.
The therapist uses different tasks to help the person process the memory. These tasks might include fast eye movements, tapping, counting, spelling, body movement, or many other creative tasks. The therapist may use tasks that directly align with the memory being processed. For instance, if a particularly upsetting aspect of the memory is auditory (like a scream), the therapist might suggest tasks that involve auditory tasks or stimulation, to better activate the brain.
Because the working memory has limited capacity, these tasks compete with trauma memory and begin to reduce the emotionally disrupting aspect of the memory.
Is EMDR 2.0 better than standard EMDR?
We need more research to determine if 2.0 is “better.” An experienced EMDR practitioner will use both protocols as needed. A highlight of a recent study concluded that…
“EMDR 2.0 requires fewer desensitization sets than EMDR to reach the same effect, suggesting more efficiency”.see: The effect of EMDR versus EMDR 2.0.., European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2021
As a long-time trauma therapist and practitioner of EMDR, the results seen from implementing the EMDR 2.0 protocol has been quite impressive for me and my clients. EMDR 2.0 is based on the clinical experience of renowned therapy providers Dr. Ad de Jongh and Dr. Suzy Matthijssen, who led the courses in which Dr. Rebecca Harvey obtained her training.